Important: changes to Tamar Bridge Shuttle bus route and bus stop on Saturday 31st July - SaltFest 2021

With SaltFest 2021 taking place on Saturday 31st July, VolkerLaser has worked jointly with the SaltFest event team to minimise any impact the ongoing works would have on the Festival, as well as aiding the event team where they can.
Having assessed the programme, as well as the existing stops and routes for the shuttle buses, VolkerLaser has made the decision to move one of the stops to a temporary location whilst SaltFest takes place.
This mean that on Saturday, 31 July, the shuttle bus service and bus stop for crossing the Tamar Bridge, currently located on Fore Street, will be relocated to the top of the Saltash slip road, adjacent to MERKUR Slots arcade. Access to this bus stop will be via the walled seating area in front of MERKUR slots, and down the footway towards the slip road.
Additional signage directing passengers to the new bus stop location will be in place. This temporary bus stop will be in place from 08:00 until Fore St re-opens after SaltFest has finished, no later than 21:30.
The existing bus stops on the Plymouth side, in Pemros Road, will be unaffected, and will run as normal from this location.
Following the challenges of the past eighteen months, we hope everyone will enjoy the fantastic SaltFest, and that it will be a great success for all.