TAMAR II is due to arrive back in Torpoint tomorrow (11 June) following the successful completion of its five yearly refit at A & P Falmouth. The ferry will then need to be prepared to return to service which is currently expected to take place on 19 June.
Tamar Crossings operate the ferries 24 hours a day, 365 days a year, in all weathers. Achieving this requires a significant planned maintenance programme. Whilst the majority of maintenance is carried out while the vessels are afloat or during off peak periods while an individual vessel is not on scheduled service, some maintenance activities have to be carried out during refits in dry dock conditions.
TAMAR’s refit has included a number of key elements, including:
· A mandatory dry docking to allow a survey of the underwater hull to ensure the material state is sufficient to safely last a further five years. This is a statutory requirement and satisfactory completion is required to allow the issue of a Chain Ferry Certificate by the regulatory authority, the Maritime and Coastguard Agency (MCA) .
· Replacing systems and equipment that are becoming obsolete or have reached end of life, including chainwheel drive couplings and bearings together with propulsion motor electronic drive components.
· Repainting the vessel both above and below the waterline.
· Refurbishment of the passenger lounge and upper deck seating area.
The refit has been a very complex project and both Tamar Crossings and A&P Falmouth are delighted that the works have been completed on schedule and the ferry returned to Torpoint.
Once safely returned to Torpoint after its 44 nautical miles sea journey, the towing gear will be removed and staff from Tamar Crossings and A&P Falmouth will start to prepare the vessel for service.
This will include reconnecting the ferry to the chains, restoring the lifesaving and firefighting equipment and seating, and carrying out engineering trials of the upgraded chain drive system.
One this work has been completed the ferry has to be formally inspected and given clearance to operate from the MCA before it can return to service.
Each of the three ferries undergoes a full refit every five years. PLYM’S refit was completed in June 2023, with LYNHER’s refit due to take place in April 2025.
These refits are essential to maximise the life of the ferries and ensure that we continue to provide a safe and reliable service. During the period of two ferry operation the staff at the ferry have worked hard to minimise disruption to service, and any defect repairs have been carried out as quickly as possible. I would like to thank drivers and passengers for their patience during this period.
The Tamar Bridge and Torpoint Ferry are jointly owned by Plymouth City Council and Cornwall Council, with the operation of the service overseen by a governing Committee comprising Councillors from both local authorities. The crossings are operated together as a single business which does not receive any financial subsidy from either of the two councils or from Central Government. This means that, unlike crossings in other parts of the country, the service is entirely self-financed through the tolls charged which pay for the operation, maintenance and improvement of both crossings.